The SGQE Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to developing, accelerating, and amplifying social entrepreneurs. The foundation's mission is to support social innovators and entrepreneurs who are working to create positive change in their communities. Social entrepreneurship is a growing field that combines business principles with social impact. Social entrepreneurs are individuals who use their creativity, innovation, and business acumen to solve social problems. They are driven by a desire to make a difference in the world and are committed to creating sustainable solutions that have a lasting impact. The SGQE Foundation recognizes the importance of social entrepreneurship and the role it plays in advancing social change. The foundation provides resources, support, and mentorship to social entrepreneurs who are working on innovative solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems. One of the ways that the SGQE Foundation advances social innovators and entrepreneurs is through its accelerator program. The program provides selected entrepreneurs with access to funding, mentorship, and resources that help them grow their businesses and scale their impact. The accelerator program also connects entrepreneurs with other like-minded individuals who can offer support and guidance as they navigate the challenges of building a successful social enterprise. In addition to its accelerator program, the SGQE Foundation also offers educational resources for aspiring social entrepreneurs. These resources include workshops, webinars, and online courses that cover topics such as business planning, fundraising, marketing, and more. By providing these resources, the foundation helps aspiring social entrepreneurs develop the skills they need to turn their ideas into successful businesses. The SGQE Foundation also amplifies the work of social entrepreneurs by sharing their stories with a wider audience. Through its website, blog, and social media channels, the foundation highlights the work of its grantees and shares their successes with others in the field. By doing so, it helps raise awareness about the importance of social entrepreneurship and inspires others to get involved. In conclusion, the SGQE Foundation plays an important role in advancing social innovators and entrepreneurs. By providing resources, support, and mentorship, the foundation helps social entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful businesses that create positive change in their communities. If you are a social entrepreneur looking to make a difference in the world, the SGQE Foundation is an organization that can help you achieve your goals. Here are some general ways that foundations can advance social innovation and entrepreneurship: 1. Provide funding: SGQE Foundation provides grants or investments to support social entrepreneurs and innovative projects that address social challenges. 2. Offer mentorship and support: SGQE Foundation offers mentorship, coaching, and other forms of support to help social entrepreneurs develop their ideas and scale their impact. 3. Build networks: SGQE Foundation bring together social entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders to build networks that foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing. 4. Advocate for policy change: SGQE Foundation can advocate for policy changes that support social innovation and entrepreneurship, such as tax incentives or regulatory reforms. 5. Conduct research: SGQE Foundation can conduct research on social innovation and entrepreneurship to better understand the challenges facing these sectors and identify opportunities for growth. 6. Promote awareness: SGQE Foundation can raise awareness about the importance of social innovation and entrepreneurship through public campaigns, events, and media outreach.


Are you a social entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level? Look no further than the SGQE Foundation. The SGQE Foundation is dedicated to developing, accelerating, and amplifying social entrepreneurs. By providing resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities, the foundation helps social entrepreneurs grow their businesses and make a greater impact in their communities. But why should you join the SGQE Foundation? Here are just a few reasons: 1. Access to Funding: As a member of the SGQE Foundation, you'll have access to funding opportunities that can help take your business to the next level. Whether you're looking for seed funding or growth capital, the foundation can connect you with investors who are passionate about supporting social entrepreneurship. 2. Mentorship: The SGQE Foundation has an extensive network of experienced mentors who can provide guidance and support as you navigate the challenges of growing a social enterprise. From marketing and branding to operations and finance, our mentors have expertise in all areas of business development. 3. Networking Opportunities: As a member of the SGQE Foundation, you'll have access to networking events where you can connect with other social entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts. These events provide valuable opportunities to learn from others in your field and build relationships that can help your business grow. 4. Resources: The SGQE Foundation provides a wealth of resources for social entrepreneurs, including educational materials, research reports, and case studies. These resources can help you stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices for growing your business. 5. Impact: By joining the SGQE Foundation, you'll be part of a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to making a positive impact on their communities. Together, we can amplify our impact and create meaningful change through our businesses. In short, if you're a social entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level, joining the SGQE Foundation is an excellent choice. With access to funding, mentorship, networking opportunities, and resources, you'll have everything you need to grow your business and make a difference in the world.

Vision & Mission

The SGQE Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to developing, accelerating, and amplifying social entrepreneurs in Egypt and the Middle East. The foundation's vision is to create a world where social entrepreneurship is the norm, and where individuals are empowered to create positive change in their communities. At the heart of the SGQE Foundation's mission is a commitment to supporting social entrepreneurs who are working to address some of the most pressing challenges facing their communities. These challenges may include poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, and more. By providing these entrepreneurs with the resources they need to succeed, the foundation hopes to create a more just and equitable world for all. One of the key ways that the SGQE Foundation supports social entrepreneurs is by providing them with access to funding. Through its various programs and initiatives, the foundation offers grants and other forms of financial support to help these individuals bring their ideas to life. This funding can be used for everything from research and development to marketing and outreach. In addition to financial support, the SGQE Foundation also provides social entrepreneurs with access to mentorship and training opportunities. Through its network of experienced professionals, the foundation offers guidance on everything from business strategy and planning to marketing and fundraising. This support can be invaluable for social entrepreneurs who may be new to running a business or who are facing unique challenges in their work. Ultimately, the SGQE Foundation's vision is one of a world where social entrepreneurship is not only possible but celebrated. By supporting these individuals in their efforts to create positive change in their communities, we can build a brighter future for all. Whether you're an aspiring social entrepreneur or simply someone who cares about making a difference in your community, we invite you to join us in this important work. Together, we can create a more just and equitable world for all.

Values & Ethics

The SGQE Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to developing, accelerating, and amplifying social entrepreneurs in Egypt and the Middle East. The foundation is committed to promoting value and ethics in all its activities, and this will make it one of the most respected organizations in the region. The SGQE Foundation believes that social entrepreneurship can be a powerful force for positive change in society. By supporting social entrepreneurs, the foundation aims to create sustainable solutions to some of the most pressing social problems facing the region. The foundation provides funding, mentorship, and training to social entrepreneurs who are working on innovative solutions to issues such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. One of the key values of the SGQE Foundation is transparency. The foundation believes that transparency is essential for building trust with its stakeholders, including donors, partners, and beneficiaries. The foundation publishes regular reports on its activities and finances, ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of how their contributions are being used. Another important value of the SGQE Foundation is accountability. The foundation takes responsibility for its actions and strives to ensure that its programs are effective in achieving their goals. The foundation regularly evaluates its programs to measure their impact and identify areas for improvement. The SGQE Foundation also places a strong emphasis on ethics. The foundation believes that ethical behavior is essential for building trust with stakeholders and maintaining the integrity of its programs. The foundation adheres to strict ethical standards in all its activities, including fundraising, program implementation, and partnerships. In addition to promoting value and ethics in its own activities, the SGQE Foundation also encourages social entrepreneurs to adopt these values in their work. By promoting ethical behavior among social entrepreneurs, the foundation aims to create a culture of integrity that will benefit society as a whole. Overall, the SGQE Foundation is an organization that is committed to promoting value and ethics in all aspects of its work. By supporting social entrepreneurs who share these values, the foundation aims to create a more just and sustainable society in Egypt and the Middle East. If you are interested in supporting the foundation's work, please visit their website to learn more.

Social Impact & Responsibility

In today's rapidly changing world, the need for social innovation and responsible leadership has never been more crucial. Non-profit organizations like SGQE play a pivotal role in developing, accelerating, and amplifying social innovators across various sectors. This article aims to shed light on the social impact and responsibilities of SGQE, highlighting its dedication to creating a sustainable future. 1. Fostering Social Innovation: SGQE is committed to fostering social innovation by providing a platform for individuals and organizations to develop groundbreaking solutions to pressing societal challenges. By nurturing creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking, SGQE empowers social innovators to create positive change in their communities. 2. Accelerating Social Impact: SGQE understands that time is of the essence when it comes to addressing urgent social issues. Through its programs and initiatives, the organization accelerates the impact of social innovators by providing them with resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities. By connecting these change-makers with key stakeholders in the public, private, and third sectors, SGQE ensures that their innovative ideas reach a wider audience. 3. Amplifying Social Innovators: SGQE recognizes that individual efforts are important but limited in scale. To overcome this challenge, the organization focuses on amplifying the work of social innovators through strategic partnerships and collaborations. By leveraging its extensive network of supporters and influencers across sectors, SGQE helps these innovators gain visibility and access to resources necessary for scaling their initiatives. 4. Promoting Responsible Leadership: As an advocate for responsible leadership, SGQE emphasizes ethical practices and values-driven decision-making among social innovators. The organization encourages its members to consider not only short-term gains but also long-term sustainability and societal impact when developing their projects or initiatives. 5. Engaging Multiple Sectors: SGQE recognizes that solving complex societal challenges requires collaboration across multiple sectors – public, private, and third sector organizations must work together towards common goals. The organization actively facilitates cross-sector partnerships by bringing together stakeholders from diverse backgrounds through conferences, workshops, and networking events. 6. Advocating for Policy Change: In addition to supporting individual social innovators, SGQE plays an active role in advocating for policy changes that can create an enabling environment for sustainable development. By engaging with policymakers at local, national, and international levels, SGQE aims to influence decision-making processes in favor of socially responsible policies. SGQE's dedication to developing, accelerating, and amplifying social innovators is commendable in today's fast-paced world where societal challenges are becoming increasingly complex. By fostering innovation while promoting responsible leadership practices across sectors, this non-profit organization is making significant strides towards creating a sustainable future for all. As we move forward into an uncertain future filled with new challenges every day, organizations like SGQE will continue to play a vital role in shaping our society positively through impactful initiatives driven by passionate individuals committed to making a difference.

Diversity & Equity & Inclusion

In today's rapidly evolving world, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become essential pillars for organizations striving to create positive social change. SGQE, a non-profit organization dedicated to developing, accelerating, and amplifying social innovators across sectors, recognizes the transformative power of DEI. By fostering an environment that embraces diversity and promotes equity and inclusion, SGQE not only enhances its own effectiveness but also contributes to a more just and equitable society. 1. Embracing Diversity: Diversity encompasses a wide range of characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, abilities/disabilities, socioeconomic background, and more. SGQE understands that embracing diversity is not just about representation but also about valuing different perspectives and experiences. By cultivating a diverse community of social innovators from various backgrounds and identities, SGQE enriches its programs with fresh ideas and innovative solutions. 2. Promoting Equity: Equity goes beyond equality; it ensures fair treatment and equal opportunities for all individuals. SGQE recognizes that systemic barriers exist within society that can hinder certain groups' access to resources or opportunities. To address this issue head-on, SGQE actively works towards creating an inclusive environment where everyone has an equal chance to thrive. Through scholarships or targeted support programs for underrepresented communities or marginalized individuals in the sector, SGQE aims to level the playing field for all aspiring social innovators. 3. Fostering Inclusion: Inclusion is about creating a sense of belonging where every individual feels valued and respected for their unique contributions. SGQE understands that fostering inclusion requires intentional efforts to dismantle biases and create safe spaces for open dialogue. By promoting inclusive practices within its programs and events – such as diverse panel discussions or mentorship initiatives – SGQE encourages collaboration among individuals from different backgrounds while nurturing an atmosphere of mutual respect. 4. Driving Social Innovation: By prioritizing DEI principles within its organization's framework, SGQE propels social innovation forward in multiple ways: a) Enhanced Creativity: A diverse community brings together varied perspectives and experiences that fuel creativity in problem-solving approaches. b) Expanded Networks: Embracing diversity broadens networks by connecting individuals from different sectors who can collaborate on innovative solutions. c) Increased Impact: By promoting equity and inclusion in social innovation initiatives, SGQE ensures that solutions are designed with the needs of all communities in mind – leading to a more sustainable impact. SGQE's commitment to diversity, equity & inclusion serves as a powerful catalyst for driving positive change across sectors. By embracing diversity within its community of social innovators while promoting equity and fostering inclusion at every level of operation, SGQE creates an environment where innovative ideas flourish without barriers or biases. As we collectively strive towards building a more just society through social innovation efforts, organizations like SGQE play a crucial role in shaping a brighter future for all. Remember - true progress lies in our ability to embrace diversity wholeheartedly while actively working towards equity and fostering an inclusive culture within our organizations!

Letter from The Chairman

Dear Members of the SGQE Foundation,I am writing to you today as the Chairman of the SGQE Foundation for Developing, Accelerating, and Amplifying Social Entrepreneurs in Egypt and the Middle East. As we continue to navigate through these unprecedented times, it is more important than ever that we remain committed to our mission of empowering social entrepreneurs who are working tirelessly to create positive change in their communities. Over the past year, we have seen firsthand the incredible impact that social entrepreneurs can have on society. From providing essential services to vulnerable populations to creating innovative solutions to complex challenges, these individuals are truly making a difference in the world. However, they cannot do it alone. That is why our foundation is dedicated to providing support and resources to social entrepreneurs throughout Egypt and the Middle East. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to help these individuals develop their skills, accelerate their growth, and amplify their impact. Whether it is through mentorship programs, networking events, or access to funding opportunities, we are committed to providing social entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed. We believe that by investing in these individuals today, we can help create a brighter future for all. As we look ahead to the coming year, I am excited about all that we will accomplish together. With your continued support and dedication, I am confident that we can make a real difference in the lives of countless individuals throughout Egypt and the Middle East. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and for your ongoing support of social entrepreneurship.
Rady Hassan
Chairman & Professor of Practice
Government Consulting Firm RCG


The SGQE Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to developing, accelerating, and amplifying social entrepreneurs in Egypt and the Middle East. The foundation has established a set of bylaws that guide its operations and ensure that it achieves its mission. One of the key bylaws of the SGQE Foundation is its commitment to promoting social entrepreneurship as a means of addressing social and environmental challenges in the region. The foundation believes that social entrepreneurs have the potential to create innovative solutions that can have a significant impact on society. To this end, it provides support to social entrepreneurs through mentorship, training, and funding. Another important bylaw of the SGQE Foundation is its focus on collaboration. The foundation recognizes that no single organization can solve all of the complex challenges facing society today. Therefore, it seeks to work with other organizations, both within and outside the region, to achieve its goals. By collaborating with other organizations, the foundation can leverage their expertise and resources to create a greater impact. The SGQE Foundation also places a strong emphasis on transparency and accountability. It believes that transparency is essential for building trust with stakeholders and ensuring that resources are used effectively. Therefore, it has established rigorous reporting requirements for its grantees and regularly publishes information about its activities. Finally, the SGQE Foundation is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in all aspects of its operations. It recognizes that diversity brings different perspectives and ideas to the table, which can lead to more innovative solutions. Therefore, it seeks to promote diversity in its staff, board members, grantees, and partners. In conclusion, the bylaws of the SGQE Foundation reflect its commitment to promoting social entrepreneurship as a means of addressing social and environmental challenges in Egypt and the Middle East. By focusing on collaboration, transparency, accountability, and diversity, the foundation aims to create a lasting impact in the region. If you are interested in learning more about how you can support or get involved with the SGQE Foundation, please visit their website.


The Handbook of SGQE Foundation for Developing, Accelerating, and Amplifying Social Entrepreneurship in Egypt and the Middle East is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in making a positive impact on society through entrepreneurship. The SGQE Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to empower social entrepreneurs by providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and support to succeed. The handbook covers various aspects of social entrepreneurship, including ideation, business planning, funding, marketing, and scaling. It also includes case studies of successful social enterprises in Egypt and the Middle East to inspire and guide aspiring entrepreneurs. One of the unique features of this handbook is its focus on the SGQE framework. This framework emphasizes four key elements: Social Impact, Growth Potential, Quality Management, and Entrepreneurial Spirit. By incorporating these elements into their business models, social entrepreneurs can create sustainable ventures that have a positive impact on society. The handbook also provides practical advice on how to navigate the challenges that social entrepreneurs may face. For example, it offers guidance on how to secure funding from investors or donors who are interested in supporting social enterprises. It also provides tips on how to measure social impact and ensure that it aligns with the organization's mission. Overall, the Handbook of SGQE Foundation for Developing, Accelerating, and Amplifying Social Entrepreneurship in Egypt and the Middle East is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to make a difference through entrepreneurship. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or an established business owner looking to pivot towards social impact, this handbook will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed. So why wait? Get your copy today and start making a positive impact on society!


Unlocking Opportunities: Understanding Eligibility Rules for SGQE
In today's rapidly changing world, social innovation plays a crucial role in addressing societal challenges. Non-profit organizations like SGQE (Social Innovators for Global Quality and Equality) are dedicated to developing, accelerating, and amplifying social innovators across the public, private, and third sectors. To ensure the effectiveness of their programs and initiatives, SGQE has established eligibility rules that guide the selection process. In this marketing article, we will explore these eligibility rules and shed light on how they contribute to fostering impactful social innovation.
1. Commitment to Social Innovation: SGQE seeks individuals or organizations that are deeply committed to driving positive change through innovative solutions. Eligible candidates should demonstrate a clear understanding of social issues and possess a strong desire to make a lasting impact on society. 2. Sector Diversity: SGQE recognizes that social innovation can emerge from various sectors. Therefore, eligibility is not limited to any specific sector but extends across the public, private, and third sectors. This inclusive approach ensures a diverse pool of applicants with different perspectives and expertise. 3. Demonstrated Impact: To be eligible for SGQE programs or support, applicants must have a track record of demonstrated impact in their respective fields. This criterion ensures that selected individuals or organizations have already made tangible contributions towards addressing societal challenges. 4. Scalability Potential: SGQE places importance on scalability potential as it aims to amplify the impact of social innovators globally. Eligible candidates should showcase innovative ideas or projects with the potential for scalability beyond local communities or regions. 5. Collaboration Mindset: Collaboration is at the heart of effective social innovation. SGQE seeks individuals or organizations that embrace collaboration as a means to achieve greater impact collectively. Applicants should demonstrate their ability to work collaboratively with diverse stakeholders such as governments, NGOs, businesses, and communities. 6. Ethical Standards: SGQE upholds high ethical standards in all its endeavors. Eligibility requires candidates to adhere to ethical principles such as transparency, accountability, fairness, and respect for human rights. 7. Long-term Commitment: Social innovation is an ongoing journey that requires long-term commitment from individuals or organizations involved. Eligible candidates should demonstrate their dedication towards sustainable solutions rather than short-term fixes. SGQE's eligibility rules serve as a foundation for selecting individuals or organizations dedicated to driving impactful social innovation across sectors globally. By considering factors such as commitment to social innovation, sector diversity, demonstrated impact, scalability potential, collaboration mindset, ethical standards, and long-term commitment; SGQE ensures that its programs support those who can create lasting change in society. If you are passionate about making a difference through innovative solutions and meet these eligibility criteria outlined by SGQE - seize this opportunity! Join forces with SGQE in unlocking opportunities for global quality and equality through your social innovations!

Value of Membership

Unlocking the Power of Membership: The Value of Joining SGQE
In today's rapidly evolving world, organizations dedicated to social innovation play a crucial role in driving positive change. One such organization is SGQE, a non-profit organization committed to developing, accelerating, and amplifying social innovators across the public, private, and third sectors. In this article, we will explore the value of becoming a member of SGQE and how it can benefit individuals and organizations alike.
1. Access to a Vibrant Community: By joining SGQE, you become part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals and organizations who share a common goal – creating meaningful social impact. This membership opens doors to networking opportunities with fellow innovators, experts, mentors, and potential collaborators. Engaging with this diverse community provides invaluable insights, inspiration, and support throughout your journey as a social innovator. 2. Learning and Development Opportunities: SGQE offers an array of learning and development programs tailored specifically for its members. These programs include workshops, webinars, conferences, and seminars conducted by industry experts who possess extensive knowledge in various domains related to social innovation. By participating in these events, members gain access to cutting-edge insights, best practices, and emerging trends that can enhance their skills and knowledge base. 3. Funding Support: One significant advantage of being an SGQE member is the opportunity to access funding support for your social innovation projects or initiatives. SGQE actively seeks partnerships with philanthropic organizations and sponsors who are keen on supporting innovative ideas that address pressing societal challenges. As a member, you gain exclusive access to funding opportunities that can help turn your vision into reality. 4. Mentorship Programs: SGQE understands the importance of mentorship in nurturing social innovators. Through its mentorship programs, members have the chance to connect with experienced professionals who can provide guidance on various aspects such as project management, strategy development, fundraising techniques, or scaling up initiatives. These mentorship relationships foster personal growth while accelerating the impact of your work. 5. Visibility and Recognition: Membership with SGQE offers enhanced visibility within the social innovation ecosystem. As an active member contributing towards positive change in society through innovative solutions or projects, you gain recognition from peers as well as potential partners or investors who are aligned with your mission. This increased visibility can open doors to new collaborations or funding opportunities that further amplify your impact. 6. Collaboration Opportunities: SGQE acts as a catalyst for collaboration among its members by facilitating connections between individuals or organizations working towards similar goals or complementary areas of expertise. By leveraging these collaborative opportunities within the network provided by SGQE membership, you can tap into collective knowledge and resources that accelerate progress towards achieving shared objectives. Joining SGQE offers numerous benefits for individuals and organizations committed to driving social innovation across sectors. From networking opportunities to funding support and mentorship programs – membership unlocks access to a wealth of resources that empower members on their journey towards creating positive societal change. By becoming part of this dynamic community dedicated to accelerating social innovation efforts globally, you position yourself at the forefront of transformative action while amplifying your impact manifold.

Terms of Membership

The admission requirements for members of the SGQE Foundation are designed to attract and select the most suitable and talented social innovators and entrepreneurs. These requirements ensure that members are committed to creating positive change in their communities and have the skills and experience necessary to be successful in their endeavors. 1. Application Process: Prospective members must complete an application form that includes information about their background, experience, and goals as a social innovator or entrepreneur. This application is used to assess the candidate's suitability for membership in the foundation. 2. Letter of Intent: Applicants are required to submit a letter of intent outlining their vision for creating positive change in their community, as well as their specific goals and objectives as a social innovator or entrepreneur. 3. Resume/CV: Prospective members must provide a resume or curriculum vitae that highlights their relevant experience, education, skills, and accomplishments in the field of social innovation or entrepreneurship. 4. References: Applicants are required to provide references from individuals who can speak about their character, work ethic, and potential as a social innovator or entrepreneur. 5. Interview: Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview with members of the foundation's selection committee. During this interview, candidates will have the opportunity to discuss their background, experience, goals, and vision for creating positive change in their community. 6. Commitment: Members of the SGQE Foundation are expected to demonstrate a strong commitment to social innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as a willingness to collaborate with other members and support the foundation's mission. By setting these admission requirements, the SGQE Foundation ensures that its members are dedicated, talented individuals who have the potential to make a significant impact on their communities through social innovation and entrepreneurship.

Our Awards

Celebrating Excellence: SGQE's Prestigious Awards Recognize Extraordinary Leaders, Talented Artists, and Innovative Thinkers in Egypt SGQE, a non-profit organization committed to fostering social innovation in Egypt, takes great pride in recognizing and honoring exceptional individuals who have made significant contributions to their nation. Through our esteemed award programs - the Osiris Awards for extraordinary leaders, the ISIS Award for talented individuals in the arts, and the Horus Awards for innovation and creativity - we aim to celebrate and amplify the achievements of those who have positively impacted society. Osiris Awards: Honoring Extraordinary Leaders The Osiris Awards are designed to acknowledge exceptional leaders who have dedicated their lives to serving Egypt. These visionary individuals have demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities, inspiring others through their unwavering commitment to creating positive change. By recognizing their accomplishments, SGQE aims to encourage more people to step forward as catalysts for progress. ISIS Award: Celebrating Artistic Talent Art has the power to transcend boundaries and touch hearts. The ISIS Award celebrates talented individuals in the arts who have enriched Egyptian culture through their creative expressions. Whether it be painting, sculpture, music, dance, or any other form of artistic endeavor, this award recognizes artists who have captivated audiences with their unique talents and contributed significantly to the artistic landscape of Egypt. Horus Awards: Encouraging Innovation and Creativity Innovation is at the heart of progress. The Horus Awards pay tribute to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional creativity and innovative thinking across various sectors in Egypt. From groundbreaking technological advancements to revolutionary business models or social initiatives that address pressing challenges, these awards highlight those who push boundaries and inspire others with their innovative ideas. Selection Process SGQE's selection process for these prestigious awards is rigorous and impartial. A panel of distinguished experts from relevant fields evaluates nominations based on predefined criteria such as impact on society, sustainability of initiatives, originality of ideas or artistic expressions, leadership qualities displayed, and overall contribution towards social innovation in Egypt. The selection committee ensures transparency by thoroughly reviewing each nomination against these criteria. They consider both quantitative data (such as measurable impact) as well as qualitative aspects (such as testimonials or expert opinions). The committee's collective expertise guarantees a fair evaluation process that upholds SGQE's commitment to recognizing excellence. Impact on Society By honoring extraordinary leaders through the Osiris Awards, talented artists through the ISIS Award, and innovative thinkers through the Horus Awards, SGQE aims not only to celebrate individual achievements but also inspire others within Egypt's public, private, and third sectors. These awards serve as a platform for showcasing exemplary role models whose stories can motivate aspiring changemakers across various domains. SGQE's award programs - Osiris Awards for extraordinary leaders serving Egypt; ISIS Award for talented individuals in the arts; and Horus Awards for innovation and creativity - are a testament to our commitment towards fostering social innovation in Egypt. Through these prestigious accolades, we aim to recognize outstanding contributions while inspiring others towards positive change. Join us in celebrating excellence as we honor those who are making a difference in our society.

Our selection process

The selection process for awards for the greatest social innovators in all fields of life at the SGQE Foundation is a rigorous and thorough process that ensures that only the most deserving individuals are recognized for their contributions to creating positive change in their communities. 1. Nomination: The first step in the selection process is the nomination phase. Nominations can be submitted by anyone, including members of the public, organizations, or individuals themselves. Nominations must include detailed information about the nominee's work, impact, and achievements. 2. Screening: Once nominations are received, a screening committee reviews each nomination to ensure that they meet the criteria for consideration. The screening committee looks for evidence of innovation, impact, sustainability, scalability, and ethical practices in the nominee's work. 3. Evaluation: After the screening process, a panel of experts evaluates each nomination based on a set of criteria established by the foundation. The evaluation criteria may include factors such as creativity, leadership, collaboration, and measurable impact on society. 4. Selection: The final selection of award recipients is made by a selection committee comprised of industry experts, academics, and community leaders. The selection committee carefully reviews all evaluations and selects the most outstanding social innovators in each field. 5. Award Ceremony: Once the award recipients have been selected, an award ceremony is held to honor and celebrate their achievements. The winners receive recognition, support, and funding from the foundation to further their work and expand their impact. Overall, the selection process for awards for social innovators at SGQE Foundation is designed to identify and celebrate individuals who are making a significant difference in their communities through innovative solutions and impactful initiatives. By recognizing these changemakers, the foundation aims to inspire others to follow in their footsteps and create positive change in society.

Social Entrepreneurs

Social entrepreneurs are individuals who create and lead innovative solutions to social problems. They often start their own organizations or businesses with the primary goal of creating positive social impact.

Public Social Innovators

Public social innovators are individuals or groups within the public sector who develop and implement innovative solutions to address societal challenges. They work within government agencies, non-profit organizations, or other public institutions.

Corporate Social Innovators

Corporate social innovators are individuals or teams within corporations who drive innovation to address social and environmental issues. They focus on integrating social responsibility into business practices and creating sustainable solutions.

Collective Social Innovation

Collective social innovation refers to collaborative efforts among multiple stakeholders, such as governments, businesses, non-profits, and communities, to address complex social problems. It involves bringing together diverse perspectives and resources to find innovative solutions collectively.

Social Innovation Thought Leaders

Social innovation thought leaders are individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of social innovation through their research, writings, or practical work. They provide insights, guidance, and thought-provoking ideas that shape the discourse around social innovation.

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